Friday, June 14, 2013


“Aku berkata kepadamu: Sesungguhnya barangsiapa percaya kepada-Ku, ia akan melakukan juga pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang Aku lakukan, bahkan pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang lebih besar dari pada itu. Sebab Aku pergi kepada Bapa;” (Yohanes 14:12)

 “Dan Tuhan menguatkan berita tentang kasih karunia-Nya dengan mengaruniakan kepada mereka kuasa untuk mengadakan tanda-tanda dan mujizat-mujizat.” (Kisah 14:3)

Tuhan meneguhkan kesaksian mereka oleh tanda-tanda dan mujizat-mujizat dan oleh berbagai-bagai penyataan kekuasaan dan karena Roh Kudus, yang dibagi-bagikan-Nya menurut kehendak-Nya. (Ibrani 2:4)

Ada 3 hal dasar yang membantu kita untuk menciptakan suasana untuk terjadinya mujizat :

1.        DOA, PUJIAN DAN PENYEMBAHAN – Pray, Praise and Worship HIM Unceasingly

Ø Suasana terjadinya mujizat tentunya tidak lepas dengan yang namanya datangnya hadirat TUHAN dan hadirat TUHAN tidak lepas dari doa, pujian dan penyembahan, sebab TUHAN hadir dan bersemayam diatas doa, pujian dan penyembahan umat-Nya.
  “Sesuai dengan perintah itu, kepala penjara memasukkan mereka ke ruang penjara yang paling tengah dan membelenggu kaki mereka dalam pasungan yang kuat. Tetapi kira-kira tengah malam Paulus dan Silas berdoa dan menyanyikan puji-pujian kepada Allah dan orang-orang hukuman lain mendengarkan mereka. Akan tetapi terjadilah gempa bumi yang hebat, sehingga sendi-sendi penjara itu goyah; dan seketika itu juga terbukalah semua pintu dan terlepaslah belenggu mereka semua.” (Kisah 16:24-26)

Ø Orang-orang yang tidak berdoa, memuji dan menyembah Tuhan adalah orang-orang yang tanpa mereka sadari membuat dirinya untuk tidak pernah menerima apapun dari surga termasuk juga mujizat-mujizat yang diperlukan. Karena itu janganlah kita henti-hentinya untuk memuji, menyembah dan berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk menciptakan atmosfir surgawi yang mendatangkan mujizat karena keintiman kita dengan TUHAN YESUS.  

“Kamu tidak memperoleh apa-apa, karena kamu tidak berdoa.” (Yakobus 4:2b).
2.       PERKATAKAN FIRMAN dan JANJI-JANJI TUHAN – Standing On The Promises of God

Katakanlah kepada mereka: Demi Aku yang hidup, demikianlah firman TUHAN, bahwasanya seperti yang kamu katakan di hadapan-Ku, demikianlah akan Kulakukan kepadamu. (Bilangan 14:28)
Ø Menciptakan suasana untuk terjadinya mujizat tidak terlepas dari memperkatakan 
   janji-janji TUHAN yang tertulis dalam FirmanNya, perkataan-perkataan yang
   memberkati serta perkataan-perkataan yang keluar dari iman kita.

Contoh :

o    Setiap pagi memperkatakan : Aku memiliki jantung, paru-paru, ginjal, dll yang sehat dalam nama TUHAN YESUS karena Ia telah menanggung segala macam penyakit dan kelemahan tubuhku diatas kayu salib.

o    Setiap pagi ketika bangun tidur bersorak-sorailah dan perkatakan dengan bersuara : Dalam nama Yesus aku menyatakan hari ini adalah hari mujizat bagiku, hari kemenanganku, hari terobosanku. Aku menerima mujizat yang aku nantikan, aku meraih kemenangan, aku menerima terobosanku dengan iman di dalam darah Anak Domba yang telah menghancurkan segala pekerjaan iblis di bawah kakiku.  

Ø Janganlah bersungut-sungut dan berkata-kata hal-hal yang negatif pada saat engkau melihat janji Tuhan belum terjadi dalam hidupmu,  tetapi ingatlah : Janganlah engkau lupa memperkatakan kitab Taurat ini, tetapi renungkanlah itu siang dan malam, supaya engkau bertindak hati-hati sesuai dengan segala yang tertulis di dalamnya, sebab dengan demikian perjalananmu akan berhasil dan engkau akan beruntung.” (Yosua 1:8) 

Ø Janganlah rasa takut dan kekhawatiran mendominasi pikiran dan perkataanmu : "Karena itu Aku berkata kepadamu: Janganlah kuatir akan hidupmu, akan apa yang hendak kamu makan atau minum, dan janganlah kuatir pula akan tubuhmu, akan apa yang hendak kamu pakai. Bukankah hidup itu lebih penting dari pada makanan dan tubuh itu lebih penting dari pada pakaian? (Matius 6:25)

Siapakah di antara kamu yang karena kekuatirannya dapat menambahkan sehasta saja pada jalan hidupnya? (Matius 6:27)

3.    JAGA HATI DAN PIKIRAN - Carefully Guard Your Heart and Thoughts
     Jagalah hatimu dengan segala kewaspadaan, karena dari situlah terpancar kehidupan. (Amsal 4:23) 

Ø   Jikalau engkau sungguh ingin melihat dan mengalami kebaikan Tuhan termasuk mujizat mujizat yang engkau rindukan maka salah satu hal yang krusial adalah untuk  Menjaga hatimu baik-baik!!!  Untuk terjadinya mujizat kita harus menjaga hati kita dengan penuh kewaspadaan penuh!!!  Karena suasana hatimu menentukan.

Ø   Jagalah hati kita dari kesombongan, dari sakit hati, dari kepahitan, kekecewaan dan kemarahan dari dendam, dari keputus-asaan, dari tawar hati dan kasih mula-mula yang padam, juga dari segala rasa khawatir, bimbang dan keraguan yang merupakan wujud dari ketidak-percayaan bahwa Ia pasti akan menjawab segala permohonan kita dalam kebaikanNya.
      Dari Daud. Jangan marah karena orang yang berbuat jahat, jangan iri hati kepada orang yang berbuat curang; sebab mereka segera lisut seperti rumput dan layu seperti tumbuh-tumbuhan hijau. Percayalah kepada TUHAN dan lakukanlah yang baik, diamlah di negeri dan berlakulah setia, dan bergembiralah karena TUHAN; maka Ia akan memberikan kepadamu apa yang diinginkan hatimu. (Mzm 37:1-4)

Tuhan Yesus Memberkati,
Joel Harahap

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I AM BACK - In ADAR GOD Has An AHA Moment for ME

“The Lord is close to the broken hearted and the oppressed.” Psalm 34:18
Have you ever faced something in your life that seemed to isolate you from the rest of the world?
Did you feel like you could see the community, but you just couldn’t participate in it,  pushes you away from being able to interact with life.
Although you may have become unreachable to society, Jesus can meet you right at your pain.  That’s what He does best. He steps beyond the boundaries of human limitations to walk into your hell and raise you to life again. What an awesome God we serve! He will go through the trials over again just to help you through it. All you have to do is ask and trust that he is Lord of your life!
Lord, bind up my brokenness and take away the pain crushes my heart.  Lord bring me back to the reality of who I am in You.  Show me that my brokenness and pain is not the end.
My God, My God why have You forsaken me? Why are You so far from helping me, and from the words of my groaning?” Psalm 22:1
Do you feel alone, disfigured, and dishonored in your pain? Is life and joy draining from your personality? Welcome to Gehazi’s hell, the neighborhood where dying is actually easier than living.
That is what leprosy does. It isolates, disfigures, and destroys you. Not only do you die, but you die alone. And you die a disfiguring and painful death.
With each passing day, the disabling effects of neuropathy (death of the nerves) continue to aggressively advance from the extremities of the toes and fingers toward the heart.
The curse of numbness robs its victims of freedom, independence, and the ability to interact with the world around them. We even see this curse attacking the souls of our Prozac society, inducing a paralyzing, and crippling numbness of spirit-producing an unfeeling, uncaring, numb nation.
This leprosy attitude seems to be spreading. We feel all alone, pushed in a corner, like no one understands, when maybe God is pulling us away from people to be closer to Him. He hasn’t forsaken you - maybe you just refuse to let loneliness be a good thing.
“For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure,”Isaiah 46:9-10
Learn from the mistakes of others. It is never okay to resist God. He is sovereign. If you decide to deliberately go against Him, the consequences may extend beyond you. It can affect those you love. Obey and honor God at all costs, He will meet you where you are.
Lord, help me to obey Your word and Your will. Keep my heart pure so that my family and I will be pleasing to You and blessed by You. You are the true God. I will obey You!  Amen
Every great mystery has an “AHA!” moment after the climax.  God’s “AHA!” moment for you is simply the knowledge that God can provide new beginnings to the “dead ends” you encounter in life.  This is where you find your greatest comeback.  This is the season of seeing dreams come true.
Sometimes you have to apply unprecedented effort to preserve what God has given you. That truth often just doesn't register with some people who get blessed or have something restored to them by God.
Do you wish to receive a miracle from God? Are you willing to step out of your situation and “come— back” to your first love?
God has a miracle in store for you. It is a father's nature to give sacrificially to his son and daughter. God is no different! He wants to bless you exceedingly and abundantly more than you can even imagine. Once you receive your miracle, however, it is up to you to preserve it and protect it.
I am sick at heart. How long, O Lord, until You restore me?- Psalms 6:3
Lord, You're never going to give up on me. I am thankful that I will always have Your support. I believe that if You restored Gehazi after the things that he did, that You can do the same for me ! Amen
I have some good news for you. I believe there can be a “fullness of time” for you! I believe that God is going to fulfill every good word spoken over you. I believe your promises are pregnant and about to give birth!
Lord, I believe in You and Your promises. I know that in Your time You will fulfill the promises You have made in my life. Forgive me for forgetting the blessings and the promises that You have already fulfilled in my life. I look forward to receiving all You have for me!
The due date for the delivery of God's promise came when Gehazi mysteriously resurfaced from the depths of leprosy with new life and fresh favor. Somehow this man went from serving the prophet to serving the King. We know that much, but there are at least seven years of shrouded mystery to unravel before we can connect the two points.
Something happened that was powerful enough to transport Gehazi from hobbling with lepers in earthly hell to hobnobbing with a King in the royal palace of Israel ! Somehow, sometime during those dark days and years of hell on earth, God set the stage for Gehazi's miracle comeback. And this one looks like an ultimate turnaround of true biblical proportions. How did God do it?
This reminds me of another time and another mystery. On this occasion, everyone involved in the story was confident the condemned man was down for the count. He could never come back—all of the “i's” were dotted , all of the “t's” crossed.
The Pharisees, lawyers, and scribes knew their stuff—this man had been convicted of blasphemy and turned over to the Roman executioners. His fate was sealed—and for good measure, they sealed his tomb too.
Everything that could be done had been done. Their greatest enemy was now their greatest trophy. His body was wrapped in the grave, and all hope of His kingdom coming was over. Then it happened.
Hell's broken gates and death's shattered grip announced an escape! And Heaven announced, “He's back!” No one knew how it happened or how He did it. But Hell knew the party was over. Jesus was alive again! He's back!
The words, “He's back!” sum up what we know about Gehazi. This begs the question, “How did he get ‘back'?” How did he make such an ultimate and unlikely comeback? Is this kind of miracle turnaround available for everybody? Can you turn such a bad night into a good day?
The answer is Yes!
God provided an ultimate comeback for both Gehazi and His own Son, Jesus! If you have accepted Jesus, you are now in His family. What does that mean? It means that we are now sons and daughters of creation's Father. In God, we are joint heirs with Jesus! Did you get that? We don't just get the leftovers or the hand-me-downs of Jesus; we get the same exact quality as He does!
God has already planned your comeback. If God provided a way for His Son to come back from the grave, God has made a way for you, His child, to turn back to an abundant life in Him.
God, I thank You for being my father. I know that it is Your desire to see me succeed, even when I have given up. You are the one who lifts my head when I'm feeling down. I pray that You will be my guide as I walk through this journey of life. I trust that You have planned a way for me to escape from the mess that I have put myself in. Amen
“O Lord, no one but You can help the powerless against the mighty! Help us, O Lord our God, for we trust in You alone. It is in Your name that we have come against this vast horde. O Lord, You are our God; do not let mere men prevail against You!”- 2 Chronicles 14:11
Lord, reveal to me that I have the power to overcome anything that comes against me. Teach me Your ways. When temptations come, give me the feet of a righteous man so I will walk in the direction of You. Thank You for strengthening me when I thought I was too weak. Amen
On that night… no one in the Palace could sleep. Not a single person. Esther tossed and turned, alternating between prayers of desperation and unsuccessful attempts at sleep while Haman happily engineered the demise of Mordecai. Meanwhile, the Bible tells us, “On that night could not the King sleep.”
Perhaps due to divine insomnia, the King asked for someone to read the court records. As the servant droned on and on, something of great significance interested the King. His attention was suddenly jarred by a paragraph describing the deeds of a royal scribe named Mordecai. This man had learned of a plot, hatched by two of his own bodyguards, to assassinate the King.
The King asked, “What honor and dignity hath been done to Mordecai for this?” When he learned that nothing had been done, the King acted immediately.
What an interesting discovery! What do kings do when they can't sleep? They check the records.
You may be enduring a bad night or perhaps a bad week, my friend, but take heart. Just because you are enduring a sleepless season, that doesn't mean we have a snoring King. The Bible says, “Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.” When you face a “that night” crisis that robs you of sleep, remember that your King is fully awake as well.
And what do kings do when they cannot sleep? They check the records. Reward delayed is not reward denied.
While Esther tossed and turned, her King checked the records and discovered Mordecai's good deed. The next thing we know, the King was no longer checking the records; he had shifted his focus to planning Mordecai's reward!
Do you toss and turn at the possibility of the impending doom of your tomorrows?
After it's been “one of those nights” and you're left with little hope of improvement, God has stayed up all night to devise your victory! Always remember that the plans made in secret will be revealed in public.
Lord, our God, You know our problems better than we know them ourselves. You know how easily we worry ourselves with untimely and self-made cares. God, I pray that You be the one to guide us through our situations. Turn my worry into faith— a never-ending faith in Your power! Amen
You are still here.
Satan may have tried to take you out. You may be in a weakened condition, but you're still here!
God, Thank You for keeping me safe through the storms. I realize that I always need Your guidance. Often, after the storms of life pass, the problem still remains. I pray that You help me with the issues in my life with which I continually struggle. You are my God. You are My Provider. I trust You Lord!
Father, You are my friend. You are my Counselor. You are my Savior. There is nothing that You can’t do!  I pray that in controversial times in my life, You will draw me close to You.  I am not cursed by this world.  I am free in You because of Jesus Christ!  I promise to live for You because You died for me...My closest Friend, I thank you! Amen