


God is calling His Warriors, His people, to participate in a Worldwide Event, beginning TONIGHT! – Nehemiah 4:20 – OUR GOD SHALL FIGHT FOR US

God’s greatest concern is John 17: 21 That they all may be one just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one in US, so that the world may believe and be convinced that You, Father, have sent Me. I have given to them the glory and honor, which You have given me, that they may be one even as We are One.
The #1 fear of the enemy is that we, the “Body of Messiah”, would become One and Unified in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob through The Messiah Yeshua Ha Mashiach. 

Here is the plan! This so simple and uncomplicated! Every child of God on earth can participate.

Every Shabbat (Friday) and the following, everyone (worldwide) will blow their shofar (whether a ram’s horn, antelope horn, etc) at 7:00 PM sunset … Very simple! We can do this! No rules or regulations…no programs, no religious methods. Just blow your shofar at the set time.

If you don’t have a shofar you need not worry. Within your voice, there is the sound of the shofar. Through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, you can make a sound, which will come out of your inner being and touch the heaven. Remember the whole point is to bring us, worldwide, into an act of unity and faith, as we release the sound of heaven; declaring the authority of the Lord’s voice, and His sovereignty over all matters upon the earth. This is not about talking or even praying. Our obedience is the prayer we raise up, as we come into alignment with the heart cry of the Lord in John 17:21-22. 
We will continue every Friday. The lead shofars will blast at sunset in Jerusalem from the high place in Israel. The world will join in their time zone all around the world. This will be an act of obedience; deliberately aligning our nations, and ourselves, with God and with Israel, as the One New Man … Jew and Gentile together. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob … HE ALONE IS GOD! HE IS OUR GOD.
Set up a reminder for yourself on your computer or your cell phone. Put a note in a visible spot. Go apart to send forth the blast in solitude, or gather together as Shabbat begins. Send forth the blast from inside your home, from the roof, or from the hilltops (read Isaiah 13) … wherever your find yourself at 7 PM. If you begin the Sabbath with a Shabbat dinner, invite each participant to bring along a shofar to blow at the set time. The enemy will try to distract us from this blessing, so we must plan ahead and resolve to participate. There is no condemnation if you miss and forget on a Friday. Remember, this is not about religion. If you cannot send forth the blast at 7 PM for any reason, blow the shofar as soon as you can on Friday evening. Somewhere in the world you will be joining with others at that moment. (But be intentional about hitting the 7:00 hour each week.)
As an added blessing, you can research, on the web, the exact minute that Shabbat begins in Jerusalem each week (as it always changes a few minutes according to the setting sun). Then you can calculate that exact moment in your own time zone, to join with the Israeli blast, as an added blessing of unity in addition to your own 7 PM shout. Note: satan will tell you that this is a meaningless and ridiculous gesture. How he wishes that would be true … but it is NOT!! There is great power in unity and in obedience. Those are the very two things, when mixed with faith that enable the Body of Messiah to change the facts on the ground. Let’s do our part, and let the Lord do His part. May our volume of this holy sound increase with each subsequent Friday evening! May the numbers in this Army of unity increase each week as well! 
This message is being sent out throughout the world. You can help by putting this out on the Web and sending it to friends and relatives, ministries, missionaries. This email can fly around the world in 24 hours. You can Facebook and twitter as well.

Blessings To You,
Fellow Warriors from Jerusalem
If the British, during their occupation of Jerusalem put young men in jail for 6 month for blowing the shofar… that should tell us the power of blowing the shofar!!! We are releasing a SOUND into heaven together “As One”!