Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ayin Gimmel 5773

L'Shanah Tova Tikatevu

The season of recompense in the sense of benefitting, indicating that the nature of the giving can lead to either blessing or judgment for the one who gives. In other words, how one chooses to "run" the race in will determine the outcome of one's life. Practice of kindness toward others, pressing yourself to forgive yourself and others so not to stop or hold you to move on.

The Complete Victory Against Ancient Giant
The name "Og" [ayin-gimel] is etymologically related to the root ayin-vav-gimel or ayin-gimel-gimel, which means, "to form a circle." Thus, it refers to the mucous membrane which encircles the glans of the penis underneath the foreskin, and which must also be peeled back as part of the rite of circumcision. The removal of the foreskin is called milah ("cutting") and the removal of the mucous membrane is called periah ("peeling" back).

Og personified the type of evil identified with the mucous membrane which covers the organ of circumcision. As it is written, "he drew a circle". This is a particularly difficult form of evil to deal with inasmuch as it is very close to holiness.
This membrane is obviously much more subtle and delicate than the coarse foreskin. It therefore embodies a much more abstract, delicate form of evil that is therefore much more difficult to root out than the usual, coarse evil.

In Deut. 3:11 and later in the book of Numbers and Joshua, Og is pronounced as the last of the Rephaim. Rephaim is a Hebrew word for giants. Deut. 3:11 declares that his "bedstead" /ranjang (translated in some texts as "sarcophagus") of iron is "nine cubits in length and four cubits in width" (13.5 ft x 6 ft) according to the standard cubit of a man. It goes on to say that at the royal city of Rabbah of the Ammonites, his giant bedstead could still be seen as a novelty in those days. If the giant king's bedstead was built in proportion to his size as most beds are, he may have been 13 feet in height. However, Rabbinic tradition has it, that the length of his bedstead was measured with the cubits of Og himself. The Talmud further documents that Og was so large that he sought the destruction of the Israelites by uprooting a mountain so large, that it would have crushed the entire Israelite encampment. Moses, fulfilling the LORD's injunction not to fear him, seized a spear of ten cubits length, and jumped a similar vertical distance, succeeding in stabbing Og in the ankle. The LORD then caused Og's teeth to lengthen until they grew into the mountain he held aloft; millions of ants then swarmed into his mouth, killing him. - Joel Harahap

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Covenant of Love

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son." (John 3:16)
For God so loved the world that He gave...and He gave...and He gave. That is the message the Bible brings us from beginning to end. It sounds simple enough. Yet few of us really comprehend it.
We can understand the idea of a God of power. We can understand a God who desires to be served. But An Almighty God who loves us so much that He desires, above all, to give to us? That can be hard to believe.
For thousands of years, God has been working to drop the revelation of His love into the hearts of men. He's made loving promises of blessing and protection. But He's always faced the same obstacle. Human beings who just couldn't bring themselves to believe those promises were true.
The story of Abram is a perfect example. He wasn't accustomed to the idea of a God who gives. After all, he'd grown up as a worshiper of the moon, and the moon had certainly never seemed interested in doing anything for him. Then he encountered El Shaddai, the Greatest Being of all. The One Almighty God. And the first thing this El Shaddai wanted to do was give to him.
God's promises so astounded Abram that he couldn't believe them. "Lord, he asked, "how can I know I'm really going to receive these things?" (Gen. 15:8).
Do you know how God answered him? By cutting a blood covenant with him. That covenant settled forever any question Abram could ever have about God's love and loyalty. Once blood had been shed, he knew God meant what He said.
God did the same thing for you. He cut a blood covenant with you. And He sacrificed His own Son to do it. Jesus' broken body and shed blood have become the eternal proof of God's love for you. Through Communion, He's urged you to remember them again and again so that when your faith in His promises begins to waver, you "might have a strong consolation" (Heb. 6:18).
Get a revelation of God's love for you by meditating on the covenant He's made with you. Get out the bread and the cup. Go before the Lord with them and take communion thinking about the body and blood of Jesus that enables you to be a blood-covenant member of the family of Almighty God. Let them settle forever the question of God's love for you. You'll never again have to doubt His promises once you believe in His love.




Monday, June 18, 2012


1. When we hear the shofar we are to remember God's Kingship. In ancient Israel the new king's reign was announced with the shofar (1 Kings 1:34). When we blow the shofar we remember that Yeshua is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and we are to be obedient subjects.
2. When we hear the shofar we are to remember to be God's worshippers. God seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. The shofar is used in worship and in fact heads the list of instruments in Psalm 150 which are used to worship God. "Praise Him with the shofar."
3. When we hear the shofar we are to remember our need to repent. The shofar signaled the approach of danger. We are in danger without repentance. "Blow a shofar in Zion and sound an alarm on My holy mountain... consecrate a fast, proclaim a solemn assembly. Return to Me with all your heart, and with fasting, weeping and mourning, and rend your heart and not your garments" (Joel 2:1, 12- 13).
4. When we hear the shofar we are to remember the faithfulness of God. The shofar is made from a ram's horn. It reminds us of the binding and Abraham's intended sacrifice of Isaac. Because of this act of faith, God promised to bless the Israel and give us victory over our enemies. The shofar is a reminder of our covenant with God because of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
5. When we hear the shofar we are to remember the binding of Messiah Yeshua, our ultimate covenant. Abraham prophesied that God would provide for Himself the Lamb for the burnt offering (Genesis 22:8). Messiah Yeshua was offered up as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world on that same spot two thousand years later.
6. When we hear the shofar we are to remember the shofar that accompanied the revelation of the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai, and that all Scripture is divinely inspired by God.
7. When we hear the shofar we are to remember the words of the prophets. I set watchmen over you saying, "listen to the sound of the shofar" (Jeremiah 6:17). Prophets are like a shofar which warn of danger. Israel was judged for ignoring the prophets. There is even greater judgement if we ignore Messiah Yeshua, Israel's greatest prophet.
8. When we hear the shofar we are to remember the battle alarm for war. "Near is the great day of the Lord, near and coming very quickly... a day of shofar and battle cry" (Zephaniah 1:14-16). Messiah will return and fight during the greatest battle of all time, the battle of Armageddon. We are in the middle of a battle that has been raging for the soul of humanity. Satan and his fallen angels are fighting for people to share their destiny. Messiah Yeshua is fighting for people to share His eternal destiny.
9. When we hear the shofar we are to remember the end of all warfare. The shofar was blown at the end of battle (2 Samuel 2:28, 18:16). The shofar is a reminder that our final victory is ahead. When King Messiah returns He will end all wars, battles, and injustice.
10. When we hear the shofar we are to remember our resurrection that will take place at Messiah's return when the shofar blows (1 Corinthians 15:52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16).
11. When we hear the shofar we are to be reminded of the Jewish people's restoration to the Land of Israel. Messiah Yeshua will gather all of Israel's exiles. "You will be gathered up one by one, O sons of Israel. It will come about also in that day that a great shofar will
be blown" (Isaiah 27:13).
12. When we sound the shofar we are asking God to remember us. The sounding of the shofar is like a prayer that ascends to God's throne saying, "O Lord, may the sound of our shofar ascend before Your throne. Remember Your covenants, forgive us, save us, and deliver us."
Mayim's Endnote

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Behold It Comes SUDDENLY

"The desert and the parched land will be glad: the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; "they will see the Glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God." Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way; say to those with fearful hearts, "be strong, do not fear; your God will come, He will come with vengeance; with divine retribution, He will come to save you." Isaiah 35: 1-5

"Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert." Isaiah 35: 6

"And the ransomed of the Lord will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away." Isaiah 35: 10

To My Faithful Ones, know that you are not forgotten and at this very moment, I AM very close to you, closer now than you can even think or imagine. While you gave for others, drawing from your own need and from your own experience in the damp confines of the cave where I placed you, not a place of imprisonment but a place of honor.... surely, SURELY, I say to you, that soon and very soon... AND "SUDDENLY"... you shall walk free into the Sonlight, knowing of My great abundance and walking in joy unspeakable.

To My Glorious Beloved, you have been obedient to My call and My word. I have given you encouragement by way of prophecies, dreams and My Word. I said I would continue to encourage and feed you from My Word and from dreams and prophecies until you see the fulfillment of My word. I AM a God Who cannot lie, My word is true and I will accomplish what I intend to do. Your love for Me is as a fragrance that stirs My very Being and as Job, I shall restore and even increase you... I shall give unto you, and in doing so, I AM giving to Myself.

Even though abased, you shall surely now abound in Me even more - more than you have ever known before... 'still you persevered.'
You have found yourselves isolated and it has gotten very lonely at times... 'still you persevered.'
I have seen you in the times when you felt you had nothing left to worship and praise Me with... 'still you persevered.'
I heard you when no one was looking at you as you wept bitter and sorrowful tears and I gathered every tear unto Myself. "I, your God, heard you!" .... 'still you persevered.'
For many, Satan has tried to discourage you through family matters... 'still you persevered.'
When you were alone and you felt as though no one cared, no one understood, I was there with you and "I understand all!" I AM creating in you, a "new thing" and I will change all wounded hearts from so many hurts and false witnesses that rose up against you. I AM restoring you from every word that caused any doubt in your walk, from any who said you were not called and chosen by Me, that you do not hear, that My promises to you will never be. "I will tear these words down" and take them from your innermost being. Yes, you have suffered much in this walk, I chose for you... 'still you persevered.'
Yes, 'still you persevered' as you continued a course of action in spite of any and all difficulties. You were determined, at any cost, to hear and heed only your Master's voice.
Through all the valleys, now you will find the river of refreshing, the river of life.

Through all the deserts, now you will find an oasis of plenty.
I have made all the preparations and now you shall see them enacted in your lives.
Obedience, I AM rewarding faithfulness for obedience. I still do that, I still reward when you are faithful and obedient.
I AM the God of justice and now you shall see My reward for your steadfastness, your obedience for the years of injustice that you have endured and I shall contend with All who have contended with you.
Now, you are about to receive an anointing of greater power, authority and revelation. You shall see the salvation of the Lord, with My rewards following.
MY Son shall be glorified in you AS HE glorifies ME, your Father. This is My will for you, in the tumultuous days ahead, that I will use My specially trained and loving sons and daughters, who shall be equipped in glory to do marvelous things as to the I AM.

In His Love and Cares,
Joel Harahap

Sunday, May 27, 2012

12 Reasons Why Every Christian Should Stand With Israel

1. The Bible is filled with Israel
All Bible believing people should stand with Israel. The Bible introduces The God of Israel and 2/3rds of the scriptures are dedicated to the people of Israel, their history and their destiny.

2. Christians have A Common Destiny with Israel
Our ultimate destiny is the manifest Kingdom of God in which Jesus rules from the throne of David in Jerusalem. If we truly believe the Bible we must inevitably believe in the future good ofIsrael. Isaiah 2:2-5. Micah 4: 1-4
Isaiah 2:2-3 Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the LORD'S house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. 3 Many people shall come and say, "Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; he will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths." For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. (NKJ)
Micah 4:1-2 But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the
LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. 2 And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.(KJV)

3.Because Israel is A Unique and Special Nation to God
Exodus 19:5 'Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a (peculiar) special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine. (NKJ)
Deuteronomy 14:2 "For you are a holy people to the LORD your God, and the LORD has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a (peculiar) special treasure above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. (NKJ)
Psalm 135:4 For the LORD hath chosen Jacob unto himself, and Israel for his peculiar treasure.(KJV)

4. Christians also are A Peculiar Treasure to God
Titus 2:14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. (KJV)
1 Pet 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: (KJV)
Both Israel and the church are therefore said to be “a peculiar treasure to God.” This fact surely forges a link between the two!

5. Because God Says He will bless Those Who bless Them.
Genesis 12:3: "I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee, and in thee shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.".
Isaiah 60:12: 'For the nation that will not serve you will perish; it will be utterly ruined.
Throughout human history many mighty world kingdoms have fallen and disintegrated e.g
Egypt, Persia, Rome, Greece, Spain, Germany, Britain. In every instance there have been factors of anti Semitism inbred in the system and this has brought about their downfall in accordance with the Bible principle.

6. Because We Owe Them A Debt for What We have received Through Them
Through Israel the promises and covenants were given. Through them came the law, the Prophets and the Messiah Jesus, who has opened up access to God for all. Through the Jewish apostles the gospel first went to the nations.
To the Israelites 'pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of God and the promises, of whom are the fathers and from whom, according to the flesh, Christ came, who is over all.' (Romans 9:4-5).
"For if the Gentiles have come to share in their spiritual blessings, they ought also be of service them in material to them in their material blessings" (Romans 15:27)

7. Because God's Gifts and Call On Them have never been revoked
Romans 11:28: 'As regards the gospel they are enemies of God for our sake; but as regards the election they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers. For the gifts and call of God are irrevocable.'
Though most Jews have not yet responded to the gospel, this has not invalidated God's plan for them, which He will ultimately fulfill. The covenant with Abraham has not been replaced by the New Covenant, nor been set aside because of their failure to enter the New Covenant. Though the once for all sacrifice of Jesus has fulfilled and replaced the Temple sacrifices, the eternal covenant God made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their descendants has NOT been set aside. “A hardening has come upon part of Israel, until the full number of the gentiles has come in, and so all Israel will be saved.”(Rom 11:26)

8. Because God has promised to bring Them Back to Their Land.
God has promised to turn, again to the Jewish people, to bring them back to their land and to cleanse them from unrighteousness.
"I will restore the fortunes of My people Israel and they shall rebuild the ruined cities and
inhabit them; l will plant them upon their land and they shall never again be plucked up out of the land which I have given them ' says the Lord your God.‟” (Amos 9:14-15)”
"I will take the people of Israel from the nations among which they have gone, and will gather them from all sides and bring them to their own land; and I will make them one nation in the and, upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king over them all.” (Ezekiel 37:21-22)
The regathering of Israel is prophesied in Ezekiel, Isaiah, Deuteronomy, Amos, Hosea, Jeremiah, by Jesus in Luke 21:24, and by Paul in Romans 11. It is a key condition to the full flowering of the Messianic age. God promised Abraham and his descendants the land of Israel as an everlasting possession. He confirmed that promise with Isaac as recorded in Genesis 26:3-4 and again with Jacob in Genesis 35:12.

9. Because The Times of The Gentiles are fulfilled
Jerusalem will be trodden down underfoot by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are
fulfilled.' (Luke 21:24)
Jesus foresaw that the Roman Gentile armies would overthrow every vestige of Jewish rule in Jerusalem; but He also saw that that Gentile domination of Jerusalem would come to an end.
In 70 AD Jerusalem fell to the Roman army.
In 1967, in the course of defending themselves against an attack from their Arab neighbours, the Israelis regained control of the entire City of Jerusalem for the first time since 70 A D. thus fulfilling this prophecy of Jesus. All believers in the words of Jesus should know that the ending of Gentile control of the city is God's plan. “When you see these things happen look up your redemption draws nigh.” (Luke 21:28)

10. Because We are to "Comfort God’s People"
In Isaiah, God says 'Comfort, comfort my people says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem and cry to her that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned that she has received from the Lord's hand double for all her sins'. (Isaiah 40:1-2)
This is a call to Christians to comfort the Jewish people. Isaiah also envisions that the leaders of the nations would help the Jewish people and nurture them in their regathering.
'Thus says the Lord God: "Behold, I will lift up my hand to the nations, and raise my signal to the peoples; and they shall bring your sons in their bosom, and your daughters shall be carried on their shoulders. Kings shall be your foster fathers and their queens your nursing mothers. With their faces to the ground they shall bow down to you and lick the dust off your feet. Then you will know that I am the Lord; those who wait for me shall not be put to shame." (Isaiah 49:22-23)
God says that the Gentiles will nurture the Jewish people and assist them in their reentry to their land. It is our divine mandate to help them for their own sakes and for the fulfillment of their unique call. Gentile believers must do more than observe what God is doing with the Jewish people...God is asking us to get involved in helping them!

11. Because We Need To Make Reparation For Anti-Semitic Teachings And Actions
Throughout the history of the Church, since the second century, Christian leaders have been guilty of the most vicious anti-Semitic remarks. These remarks have provided the basis for despots throughout the centuries to this day to ridicule, discriminate, and even kill the Jewish people. Often those who claimed to be followers of the Messiah (Rescuer of Israel, and the One who has taught us how to love and forgive) have perpetrated these actions. Can we blame the Jews for so often resisting a Messiah whose followers were anti-Semitic? In justice as well as in charity we need to make reparation for the tragic record of Christianity (both in its Catholic & in its Protestant forms) in its dealings with the Jewish people. We who should have been their nurturers; have so often been their enemies and tormentors. The spirit of anti-Semitism did not begin or end with Adolf Hitler but can find a landing ground on Christians who have not been awakened to their responsibility towards Israel.
The heretical teaching that the Church has replaced Israel has been taught since the second century. This teaching is faithful neither to the Old Testament nor New Testament Scriptures.
Though most nations and churches denounce anti-Semitism today, anti-Zionism is still widely acceptable. It is the new anti-Semitism. Opposition to Israel's right to fulfill their God given destiny in the land of promise is the most dangerous form of anti-Semitism today.

12. Because God is working with Them to Work Out His Plan for World Peace
Romans 11:15: 'For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their
acceptance mean but life from the dead?'
The Messiah is coming back to Israel to be reconciled with His own people. He will reign from there with His overcoming saints 'from every tribe and tongue and people and nation' over all the nations. (Rev. 7:9; 11:15)
Isaiah 2:3 'For out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.'
World peace is coming. The fullness of the Messianic age is coming. But first there will be the destruction of all systems and kingdoms that ignore God’s Messianic plan.
If you want world peace, pray and help the Jewish people.
If you want to see the Church restored, pray for and help the Jewish people:
If you want to see the Messiah return, pray for the restoration of Israel.
If you want to see your nation and all the nations including the Arab nations) blessed, pray and work for it to stand with Israel and the Jewish people, and resist anti-Semitism.
If you want your own life to be blessed, help and bless the Jewish people
If you want your life to prosper, pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Seven Practical Things Believers Can Do To Help Israel
1. Study and understand what the Bible has to say about God's plan for Israel and the Jewish people.
2. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for God's purposes for the Jewish people. "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. They shall prosper that love you" (Psalm 122.6).
3. Teach your church to stand with Israel. Organize a pro Israel event or seminar in your church or city each year to encourage biblical solidarity with God's plan for the Jewish people and Israel. This will bring a blessing on your church and city.
4. Support (financially and otherwise) Christian agencies that help the Jewish people return to Israel and settle in their land. E.g. “The International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem” – Christian Friends Of Israel, Bridges For Peace Jerusalem etc
5. Share the Messiah with the Jewish people in the context of their own faith, destiny, and scriptures.
6. Refuse to support anti-Semitic sentiments in public and social life. Where appropriate speak out as the Spirit leads in wise and loving ways e.g. notify politicians and/or media of your views.
7. Visit Israel if possible. This is a practical way to learn about the people and support them and their economy. "Walk about Zion and go all around her. Count her towers mark well her bulwarks. Consider her palaces that you may tell it to the generations following." (Psalm 48:13)
In this time of international travel should we not all consider making Jerusalem our destination of choice?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Target of Satan's Envy

If you are a Christian who seeks God with your whole heart, you are a target.
This message is for believers who are experiencing a season of severe testing. I’m speaking to those who endure deep trials and are worn out mentally, physically and spiritually. We live in a time of great stress, when trials can come upon us suddenly and leave us overwhelmed, weary and confused.
I thank God for every Christian who right now is enjoying a season of good times. Your life isn’t under great stress, and you don’t have to face trying tests or deep pain. I’m grateful to the Lord for providing such seasons in his children’s lives.
Yet we know from Scripture that storms and great trials come to all who have truly given everything to Christ: “Many are the afflictions of the righteous” (Psalm 34:19). Moreover, if you hunger after the Lord — if you’re determined to seek him with your whole heart, setting your mind and soul to obey his Word — you will continually be a target of the devil’s envy.
For centuries, great Christians have tried to probe the causes and reasons why the godly suffer. My personal library is filled with such books. Yet answers seem elusive. Whenever I’m in the midst of a deep trial, I find it hard to apply any truths I’ve learned to my own anguished heart. Instead, I find myself praying, “Lord, I have to draw from your Word for my present need.”
For many who endure long trials, questions abound within: “Lord, did I grieve you in some way? Is there something in my life that hinders you from hearing my cry? I’ve been faithful to your Word. So, why this never-ending trial? TheBible says you won’t allow me to suffer more than I’m able to bear. Why am I at this breaking point?”
I’m convinced the most trying of all spiritual battles take place in the mind of the believer. Many Christians endure tremendous mental anguish, battling thoughts that are oppressive, un-Christ-like, fearful. They can’t shake depressing memories of past failures. And they end up feeling not worthy of fellowship or God’s blessings.
I don’t have answers for all the reasons why we believers suffer so much, but I do know one thing is certain.
Once you set your heart to seek the Lord, determining to lay hold of his promises, you become a target of Satan’s envy. There comes a time in every believer’s life when he faces a choice: he canremain lukewarm in his faith, or he can cross a line to follow Jesus with all his heart. Whenever we choose to lay hold of Christ fully, we stir up the bowels of hell. And Satan sends his demonic hordes to unleash hell’s wrath in our lives.
A Barna survey reveals that 70 percent of people who claim to be born again don’t consider their walk with God to be the most important thing in their life. This is an absolute tragedy. Yet it tells us why Satan is so stirred by the small minority who set themselves apart to serve Jesus.
The devil recognizes something in every devoted Christian — something that’s absolutely destructive to his kingdom. It happens when a child of God resolves to trust the Lord through everything, drawing near to him in spite of all pains and difficulties. Satan realizes such a Christian is going to win others to Jesus, both by prayer and by enduring great suffering with his faith intact.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


A Warning To Christians Everywhere !!!

Don’t you know judgement will come upon you first ? ( 1Peter 4:17-18)

1 Peter
4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
4:18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

Don’t you realize there is A WAR against Christians in the last days ? Read your Bible about what will happen to Christians in the last days.

7:21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them;
7:22 Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.
7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

8:23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.
8:24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

WAR will be declared against the saints and the antichrist will be revealed ( 2 Thessalonians 2:3)
Wake Up Church !!! Don’t let yourself comfort and ease in this last hours. Don’t let yourself be among the lukewarm church for the season of the lukewarm church will be over soon. Put on the whole armour of God lest you will be tempted since the time is very evil now. You are not the exception.

13:10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

You will lead into captivity, kill with the sword to prove your faith and patience as God’s people. All that must be happened before Jesus second coming.

24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
24:31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

WAKE UP and BE WATCHFUL !!! The time of the world is ticking down to the end, it’s running out. Be His witnesses and preach the Gospel of Grace to the lost. The Gospel of Jesus Christ as Saviour to all mankind in this world before everything has been too late.

Monday, April 2, 2012

War Against The Saints In The Last Days

To All The Faithful Shofar Reader Everywhere - Shalom Aleichem !!!
Wah, lama juga ya shofar tidak meng-update posting-posting. Semoga semua yang selama ini mampir ke blog shofar tetap bersemangat selalu di dalam Tuhan, jangan pernah biarkan iblis dan segala “Forces of Darkness” dapat membuatmu menjadi “loyo dan lesu” menjelang kedatangan Tuhan Yesus yang sudah sangat dekat ini, yang dapat dikatakan “it’s just a breath away”, atau kita akan kehilangan semua yang selama ini telah kita pegang erat sampai hari “H” itu. Biarlah kita tetap bergairah bahkan semakin bergairah menjelang pertemuan kita dengan Yesus Kristus, Tuhan kita.  Penguasa kegelapan dan seluruh jajarannya memang sedang berusaha mengacaukan dan menghancurkan semua orang-orang kudus Tuhan, menjelang penyelesaian akan segala sesuatunya di muka bumi ini, tapi biarlah kita menjadi orang-orang yang tetap setia sampai garis akhir. Tidak usah bingung karena seperti Firman Tuhan katakan bahwa pada hari-hari terakhir, iblis diijinkan untuk mengadakan peperangan terhadap orang-orang kudus Tuhan, namun asalkan kita mempunyai Roh Hikmat dan Pewahyuan Kristus dan mata kita tetap tertuju hanya kepadaNya, maka semuanya akan berbalik jadi kemenangan gilang gemilang di kemah-kemah orang-orang benar (Mzm 118:15, Wahyu 12:11). Karena bukan kita saja, tetapi orang-orang kudus Tuhan di seluruh duniapun mengalami ujian dan penderitaan yang sama oleh karena nama Tuhan Yesus. Karena itu wajib dan sangat penting untuk mendoakan seluruh orang kudus Tuhan pada saat-saat seperti ini (Efesus 6:18). Karena kamipun selama beberapa waktu ini juga telah diijinkan oleh Tuhan menghadapi serangan-serangan gencar dari penguasa kegelapan namun lebih dari semuanya itu kami lebih daripada orang-orang yang menang karena kami justru semakin terbang tinggi bersamaNya. Namun bila diamati maka ternyata si iblis dan antek-anteknya itu melakukan serangan kepada orang-orang kudus Tuhan pada area-area berikut ini :
- Fisik : sakit penyakit dan segala bentuk kelemahan tubuh
- Mental : problem emosi, pikiran/intelegensia
- Hubungan : persoalan dalam hubungan dengan keluarga atau yang lainnya
- Keuangan atau pekerjaan : kesulitan dalam penghasilan keuangan atau kekurangan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan keuangan.

Tujuan utama si iblis tidak lain cuma satu, tetap sama seperti yang ia lakukan di taman Eden terhadap Hawa, ketika ia membuat Hawa berdosa dengan tipuannya untuk membuat KERAGUAN kepada Tuhan, kepada FirmanNya dan kedaulatanNya. Demikian pula dengan kita, melalui segala tekanan, masalah-masalah, ujian dan pencobaan yang nampaknya tidak pernah ada selesainya dan juga sangat tidak mungkin bagi kita, seringkali orang-orang kudus Tuhan menjadi letih dan lelah dalam iman dan kasih mereka kepada Tuhan, kasih mereka menjadi mulai dingin karena tawar hati dan KERAGUAN kepada Tuhan seperti yang terjadi pada Hawa mulai menyusup masuk ke dalam hati dan pikiran mereka. Saudara yang terkasih,  itulah yang sesungguhnya menjadi target dan sasaran iblis kepada orang-orang kudus Tuhan menjelang kedatangan Tuhan Yesus yang kedua kali, kasih kita menjadi pudar bahkan mulai dingin dan kita lalu kehilangan gairah cinta kita yang mula-mula menjadi suam-suam kuku, seperti gereja di Laodikia.  Kekristenan kita hanyalah merupakan ritual dari ibadah mingguan atau tengah mingguan saja, tanpa kuasa dan hubungan timbal balik yang seutuhnya antara kita dengan Elohim yang disebut The Great I am yang berkata I am that I am – Aku adalah Aku adalah. Kita menjadi seperti lima anak dara yang bodoh yang kehabisan minyak menjelang kedatangan Sang Mempelai Pria sehingga pada saat IA sungguh datang suatu hari datang nanti kita tidak akan siap karena kita telah menjadi lelah, letih, bosan dan suam-suam, dan pintu itupun akan tertutup bagi kita. Itulah tujuan iblis yang sebenarnya mengapa ia mengadakan serangan sengit dan gencar akhir-akhir ini kepada semua orang-orang kudus Tuhan. Karena itulah Tuhan ingatkan agar kita selalu waspada dan berjaga-jaga senantiasa di dalam roh, mengenakan seluruh perlengkapan senjata surgawi, dan saling mendoakan bagi seluruh orang kudus.
Banyak dari kita sebagai orang-orang kudus Tuhan sedang menantikan pernyataan dari Tuhan yang kita rindukan. Sebagian dari kita telah menjadi letih, lelah, bingung bahkan ada yang telah menjadi kecewa dan tawar hati dalam penantian kita itu karena kekhawatiran dan ketakutan telah mendominasi banyak pikiran umat Tuhan daripada mereka beriman kepadaNya.
Penantian kita akan jawaban dan pernyataan dari Tuhan seperti tiada berujung tetapi Firman Tuhan mengatakan, “semua yang menantikan Engkau tidak akan mendapat malu.” Lalu manakah yang akan lebih engkau percayai, semua fakta tentang masalah dan problema yang berada di hadapanmu yang nampaknya jauh lebih besar dari kekuatanmu atau janji akan Firman Tuhan yang telah engkau terima ? Menjelang kedatanganNya, yang kedua kali, segala sesuatu diijinkan oleh Tuhan untuk menguji siapakah yang menguasai hati, pikiran dan kehidupan kita sebagai umat milikNya ? Yesus berkata, “Akan tetapi jika Anak Manusia itu datang, adakah Ia mendapati iman di bumi?” (Lukas 18:8)
Tetapi mungkin engkau bertanya-tanya dalam pikiran di kepalamu atau di hatimu, mengapakah orang-orang benar atau lebih tepatnya orang-orang yang telah dibenarkan melalui darah Kristus itu dan mereka juga yang telah mencoba untuk mengasihi dan menyembah Dia sebagai Tuhan mereka dalam kehidupan mereka namun justru mereka mengalami banyak tantangan, pencobaan dan masalah demi masalah ? Sementara yang lain di luar sana yang mungkin tidak pernah mengakui Tuhan, atau mungkin mengakui Tuhan tetapi masih lebih banyak hidup menurut cara-cara duniawi daripada mengikuti Yesus sebagai Tuhan mereka dengan sungguh-sungguh, namun hidup mereka nampaknya jauh lebih menyenangkan dan mereka hidup seperti tanpa pergumulan akan masalah yang satu ke masalah yang lainnya ? Pernahkah kita mempertanyakan itu paling tidak kepada diri kita sendiri, meragukan status kita sebagai anak-anak Tuhan, mempertanyakan eksistensi dan kedaulatan Tuhan dalam hidup kita yang disebut umat milikNya ? Meragukan akan kasihNya, akan kebenaran kuasa FirmanNya ? Ya, orang-orang kudus Tuhan di seluruh dunia telah mengalami suatu peperangan rohani dan pengujian iman dan kasih yang luar biasa sebelum Sang Mempelai Pria menjemput mereka sebagai gerejaNya, sebagai umat kudusNya, sebagai milikNya yang berharga atau bukan, sebagai mempelai wanitaNya yang murni dan tidak bercacat-cela. Itu semua memang harus terjadi, karena itu kuatkanlah hatimu dan peganglah teguh akan janji Firman Tuhan yang telah engkau terima di dalam rohmu, rhema akan FirmanNya selama masa pencobaanmu, selama masa kesesakanmu karena Ia yang menjanjikannya itu setia. Ia sendiri yang mengawasi agar FirmanNya itu terlaksana dan digenapi, jadi tidak mungkin bagi milikNya yang tetap setia kepada kebenaran Firman Tuhan akan dipermalukan. Akan tiba waktuNya, Sang Mempelai Pria, menyinarkan kemuliaanNya kepada mereka yang sungguh-sungguh mengasihiNya.
Namun demikian untuk menjawab pertanyaan orang-orang kudus sepertimu, bila kita telaah atau mempelajarinya, maka iblis melancarkan serangan-serangannya dengan sengit kepada orang-orang kudus Tuhan adalah karena :
1.  Semua dari kita telah menyadari dan mengakui bahwa kita berada di ujung dari akhir zaman dengan melihat segala tanda-tanda yang telah digenapi selama ini dan terus sedang digenapi hari lepas hari. Tentu saja iblis juga mengetahui akan hal itu dan ia ingin membuat gereja Tuhan tidak dapat berfungsi seperti yang Tuhan inginkan justru dalam waktu yang semakin singkat ini, atau bila masih berfungsi hanyalah sesedikit mungkin dan menjadikan kekristenan kita sekedar embel-embel agama belaka. Iblis ingin umat Tuhan menghabiskan waktu dan energi mereka hanya untuk memikirkan masalah-masalah saja